We have been hammered ad nauseum in the last several months with stories about  CEO self-interest and greed. So a recent article about CEO Bobby Keen, of Hancock Regional Hospital near Indianapolis, radiated hope and a shining example of what is possible.  If you’re looking for a lift, we highly recommend reading the article.

As CEO of this hospital, which in 2008 generated $155 million in revenue, Keen understands — and exhibits through action — that if employees at all levels don’t understand and commit to the organization’s mission, they can’t effectively contribute to shaping the company’s future.

In the article, Mr. Keen refers to four specific factors that contribute to creating a culture of inclusion. They have one thing in common – authentic conversations. They honor freedom, choice and accountability as fundamental aspects of human existence.

When we set up competitive environments at work, winning is what matters. When winning is the emphasis in organizational cultures, an outlook of scarcity rather than abundance develops, which encourages behaviors that are rooted in self-interest rather than the good of the whole. That kind of mindset is a huge roadblock to understanding the critical interdependencies and collaboration needed to create business success.

Too many CEOs see the work that goes into creating this kind of culture as someone else’s responsibility. We are delighted to see CEOs like Mr. Keen who are building cultures of inclusion and engagement and demonstrating the powerful force inherent in authentic conversations. 

We'd love to start getting hammered with stories about CEOs like Keen.